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nexplanon aftercare instructions

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what to expect after nexplanon insertion

Hello! I had Nexplanon inserted late Tuesday (2 days ago) and the aftercare instructions say to keep the large gauze bandage on for 2 days, and I've had some very mild and very rare nausea (as in, less than five total nausea days since getting the implant), but other than that no side effects really.
NEXPLANON: After Insertion Care. I.OPS.F4.101416bc. • It is safe to be then resolving over a few weeks. • There may be a small circular scar at the site where the Nexplanon was inserted. The main side effect of progesterone will be unpredictable menstrual spotting for the first three months after Nexplanon placement.
This one-page document is a take-home sheet of aftercare instructions for providers to give to patients who have had the Nexplanon (progestin implant) inserted The instructions include information about irregular bleeding with periods, bruising and swelling at insertion site, and distinguishes between normal side effects
NEXPLANON is a single flexible plastic rod the size of a matchstick that is inserted under the headache, acne and depression, but these occurred in only 1-2% of users; 98% did not have these side effects. It is not known if it is as effective in overweight women What to Expect at Your Nexplanon Insertion and Aftercare.
The most common side effect of NEXPLANON is a change in your normal menstrual bleeding pattern. In studies, one out of ten women stopped using the implant because of an unfavorable change in their bleeding pattern. You may experience longer or shorter bleeding during your periods or have no bleeding at all.
18 Aug 2016 I just got my nexplanon inserted, so happy to get that out of the way! My doctor didn't really give me any instructions of aftercare though, I've heard that you shouldn't get it wet for a few days or something? All she said was the take the bandage off tonight, nothing else. Anyone have the nexplanon and
Try not to bump the place where the Nexplanon was put in for a few days. 2. To make sure you don't get an infection where the Nexplanon was put in, keep the large gauze bandage on for 24 - 48 hours and keep it dry. Remove the large bandage after 24-48 hours.
9 Dec 2015 Nexplanon, a hormonal, rod-shaped, 4 centimeter long implant, is statistically the most effective form of birth control--99.95%. Here It is best to bring this up with your provider so you can discuss potential side effects that may be specific to your body. What are the aftercare instructions for Nexplanon?
You will have a pressure bandage applied to the upper arm to help reduce bruising/swelling. It should stay in place for 24-48 hours. The arm must be kept clean and dry, so cover it with plastic if you take a bath or shower for the first 48 hours. The butterfly plaster covering the small wound at the insertion site should.
When to seek medical advice from your Sexual & Reproductive Health Service or your GP: Mild discomfort and bruising are common following the insertion or removal of a contraceptive implant and serious side effects or complications are very rare. Remember that irregular vaginal bleeding is a frequent side effect of the
